EB-5 Plan Review

Is this business plan suitable for EB-5 investment? Does the plan show compliance with EB-5 eligibility requirements? Will it pass smoothly through USCIS review? Are there any omissions that could lead to problems?

Lucid Professional Writing can review your documents based on our in-depth knowledge of EB-5 requirements and our extensive experience with EB-5 business plans. We analyze the plan against a checklist of compliance points and provide detailed written comments. Depending on the client’s needs, we can suggest improvements, identify due diligence issues, or anticipate the response from USCIS.

EB-5 Business Plan Review Questions

  • Does the business plan meet the standard for a comprehensive business plan defined by the precedent decision Matter of Ho? At what points should detail and analysis be added?
  • Does the plan clearly describe a proposal that satisfies each applicable EB-5 requirement? How might the plan be improved to avoid questions and address concerns from EB-5 investors and USCIS?
  • Does the plan establish credibility? Does the plan support key claims and projections with reference to verifiable and probative evidence? How might document credibility be strengthened?
  • Is the plan consistent, internally and with supporting documents and external evidence?
  • How might the presentation of the plan be improved?

Contact us to request review service.